Visenze - Software Engineer Intern (2021)

Visenze uses image recognition AI to make the visual world more searchable and understandable. Specifically, Visenze’s services - intelligent serarch, personalization and product recommendation - are targeted at the e-commerce market.

Through my internship, I’ve gained rich perspective and experience into industry-standard tools, processes and practices which allow us to build/deploy new features quickly, yet maintain the reliability of our systems. I’ve especially benefited from participating in my team’s SCRUM development cycles - gaining valuable experience in AGILE methodology.

Tech Stack Learnt:

  • Angular
  • Spring Boot
  • MongoDB
  • Spinnaker
  • Jenkins

I’ve also gained a more nuanced understanding of the fine balance between development workload and user requirements/requests - that while the priority as developers remains to the user - it is still important to weigh the cost of development against the expected benefit.

A big thank you to my mentors Liu Bo and Wilson for their patient guidance during my time with Visenze!